Tactics and Praxis Seminar

This series of seminar workshops aims to inspire creative approaches to academic work for its participants, including informing tactics for reading, writing, creative practice and practice-based research. Open to all, we aim to conceptualise and foster spaces within the constraints of institutional demands for creativity, play, slowness and pleasure.

A space for thinking and collaboration

The series is generously funded by the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages at the University of Cambridge. Each of the seminars will bring together, in dialogue, a short presentation from an invited speaker on their own research and practice in areas relating to modern languages and culture, with a specified reading raising theoretical questions of tactics and praxis in academic work.

The readings will be circulated in advance and briefly presented by one of the convenors or another participant to ensure accessibility of the discussion to those who may not have found the time to read it.

The full programme can be found here.

N.b. Readings are available on our Moodle site. If you do not have University of Cambridge access, you can be enrolled as a friend. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

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A text presentation of the essay can be found here.

Some of Emma Cayley's doll makeunders. More information here.

Close up of Kate Rudy’s Don’t let go of my waffle (photograph by Brennan Cavanaugh)
More information on the Woven Manuscripts exhibition here.